What are carnivorous plants?
The Venus flytrap is the most famous carnivorous plant. This plant captures and digests insects using its special leaves. When an insect touches the sensitive hairs on the edges of its leaves, they snap shut in just 0.1 seconds. Other famous carnivorous plants include Nepenthes (pitcher plant) and Drosera (sundew).
What is the longest-living plant?
Pando, a giant quaking aspen colony (Populus tremuloides), is the world's longest-living plant. Located in Utah, this plant colony is approximately 80,000 years old and consists of 47,000 trees that all share the same root system. For this reason, it is considered a single living organism.
What is the tallest plant?
Hyperion, a coastal redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), is the world's tallest tree. Located in California, this tree stands at 115.92 meters tall. Its age is estimated to be between 600-800 years.
What is the smallest flowering plant?
Wolffia globosa (watermeal) is the world's smallest flowering plant. This plant is only 0.8-1.2 millimeters in length, and its flowers are microscopic. This floating aquatic plant also has the ability to reproduce rapidly.
What is the fastest-growing plant?
Bamboo is the world's fastest-growing plant. Some species of bamboo can grow up to 91 centimeters in a single day. This equals approximately 4 centimeters per hour, and this growth rate is so rapid that it can actually be observed with the naked eye.
What is the largest flower?
Rafflesia arnoldii is the world's largest single flower. This giant flower can reach up to one meter in diameter and weigh up to 10 kilograms. Unfortunately, this flower emits a rotting meat smell and is therefore also known as the "corpse flower."
What are luminescent plants?
Some species of mushrooms possess natural bioluminescence capabilities. Species like Mycena chlorophos and Neonothopanus gardneri can emit green light at night. This phenomenon is called "fox fire" or "fairy fire" and occurs as a result of enzymatic oxidation reactions in the fungi.
What is the fastest-moving plant?
Mimosa pudica or the sensitive plant immediately folds its leaves when touched. This defense mechanism occurs within seconds. Additionally, after the Venus flytrap, the fastest moving plant is Aldrovanda vesiculosa or the waterwheel plant. This aquatic plant closes its trap in less than 100 milliseconds to catch small aquatic animals.
What is the hottest plant?
Philodendron selloum or skunk cabbage can increase its temperature up to 30°C above the ambient environment during flowering. This process is called thermogenesis and helps with the plant's pollination. The warm flowers attract insects and ensure they remain active.
What is the resurrection plant?
Selaginella lepidophylla or the resurrection plant can appear completely dried and "dead" during drought, but when it receives water, it revives within hours and returns to normal life activity. This plant can remain dry for years and then "resurrect."
Which plants spread their seeds through explosion?
Impatiens (Touch-me-not) plant explodes when its ripe seed pods are touched or when wind blows, spreading its seeds 5-6 meters away. Ecballium elaterium or the "squirting cucumber" can also shoot its seeds up to 6 meters away with high pressure.
What is the "smartest" plant?
Ivy plants (Hedera helix) use "smart" search strategies to find support points around them. They can choose the most optimal direction for better light and support. Research even shows that the same ivy plant "remembers" previously used support points and uses this experience during new growth.
What is the most poisonous plant?
The world's most poisonous plant is Ricinus communis or the castor bean plant. The ricin poison in this plant's seeds is so potent that the poison from one seed can be life-threatening to a human. Other dangerous poisonous plants include Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade), Conium maculatum (poison hemlock), and Taxus baccata (common yew). Abrus precatorius or the red-and-black-seed plant also has extremely poisonous seeds, and the abrin poison in one seed is more potent than ricin. All these plants pose serious dangers and should be avoided.
What are night-blooming flowers?
Night-blooming jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum) is one of the most famous night flowers, and its strong fragrance attracts night moths. Selenicereus grandiflorus or the "Queen of the Night" cactus only blooms at night and withers near dawn - this magical flower blooms once or twice a year and lives for just one night. Epiphyllum oxypetalum or "Night Beauty" is also a famous night-blooming cactus species. Datura inoxia (moonflower) and Victoria amazonica (Amazon water lily) are also night-blooming plants. These plants have typically adapted to pollination in moonlight and release strong fragrances to attract nocturnal insects.